Career Path Management
Digital Marketing Team
Integrated Marketing Team
Organizational and Human Resources Management Team
Investment and Financial Planning Team
In the second stage, students contemplate the direction of their future path—whether to pursue further studies or enter the workforce.
For those who aspire to pursue further studies after graduation, our department has designed subjects related to examinations for students to choose from.
For students inclined towards entering the workforce after graduation, our department offers numerous practical courses to enhance students' professional skills for the job market.
Planning for further studies: For students who aspire to continue their education after graduation, the department has designed relevant exam-oriented subjects for students to choose from.
Seeking employment: For students inclined towards entering the workforce after graduation, the department also offers numerous practical courses to enhance students' workplace skills and competencies.
The Structural Framework for Staged Curriculum Planning
Organizational Theory and Management (Academic Track Course)
Workplace Communication: Communication Skills, Presentation Techniques, Emotional Management.
Career Development: Includes writing a personal resume, interview skills, work ethics, and understanding the company background.
Operations Planning and Sales: Involves operational planning, writing, presentation, and persuasion.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Involves enterprise processes, software operation, and the integration of the five management disciplines.
Professional English
Financial Finance Practices (Financial Technology Practices)
Business Software Integration Applications
Corporate Internship (or Advanced Corporate Internship)
In the second semester of the third year, team formation will take place, with a general guideline of 3-4 members per group. The selection of a supervising professor will be finalized by the end of the thirteenth week, preferably before noon on Friday.
In the first semester of the fourth year, the project proposal oral defense for the "Graduation Project" course will take place during the fourteenth to fifteenth weeks.
In the second semester of the fourth year, the thesis defense for the "Graduation Project" course will be held during the eleventh to thirteenth weeks.
Encourage students to work on projects and participate in study groups during the summer break.
In the second semester of the third year, team formation will take place, with a general guideline of 3-4 members per group. The selection of a supervising professor will be finalized by the end of the thirteenth week, preferably before noon on Friday.
In the first semester of the fourth year, the project proposal oral defense for the "Graduation Project" course will take place during the fourteenth to fifteenth weeks.
In the second semester of the fourth year, the thesis defense for the "Graduation Project" course will be held during the eleventh to thirteenth weeks.
Encourage students to actively pursue the acquisition of professional certifications.